August Surrender
This summer has been interesting. I have felt huge waves, many ebb and flow movements, and a deep sense of needing to surrender. A getting back to of basics and a shedding, or letting go type of feeling. Allowing myself the opportunity to do things different, and know that I will be okay. An acceptance of the surrender needed in order to step into the next part of my life, as a Mama to 3. reclaiming of my womanly essence and the type of lifestyle I want to live and offer the family. The modelling that I want to do and the habits of importance that follow suit. Joining as a collective and working together. Teamwork to make dream work. I have felt almost like a strong magnetic pull to have less stuff to manage and work around, in order to welcome in and have more of life. Little steps do make bigger ripples, and change follows. Having the time to actually enjoy the breeze of a fan. The freedom of peace that comes from getting a to-do list item checked off. The surrender to welcome in change because I'm taking the control where I can and applying it constructively. A letting go, in order to let in. A change in mindset pattern and some motivation to move forward with more peace, love, joy and simplicity.
I have felt so much ebb and flow this month - and today is only August 12. Things are going to look so different in a month from now, when most children will have already gone back to school, and the energy in the atmosphere will feel different. Right now, I want to surrender into the place of gentle momentum and flow.
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